Unlocknew revenuestream in one click


Transform Your YouTube Content into Engaging Courses


Engage learners with quizzes and certificates


Expend reach through email marketing and SEO

Why earn only $0.002 per view when you can getan additional $20 per student?


How does it work?


Upload Your Link

Start by uploading the link to your YouTube video.

We use advanced AI to analyze your content and prepare it for the next step of transformation.


Customize the Template

Select from a variety of customizable templates that best reflect your brand and personality.

Personalize your course with interactive elements, quizzes, and additional resources to enhance the learning experience.

And set a price.


Share the link with your subscribers

After customization, you’ll receive a unique link to your new, branded interactive course.

Start monetizing your content right away.

Instant CourseSite Creation


Just sign up for your free course page in under a minute — no tech headaches, no waiting. We'll set you up instantly, allowing you to focus on what matters most: empowering your students and reaching your teaching objectives!


Turn your teaching content into cash with just one click. Earn $500+ in the first month with TutorzAI!

Tutorz is custom-built for YouTube creators, offering intuitive tools for managing, distributing and monetizing educational content seamlessly:


Get more engagement with interactive learning tools: Keep students hooked with quizzes, assignments, and forums. Make learning interactive and enjoyable

Get more insights with performance analytics: Use our dashboard to see how your courses perform. Track progress and tune your strategy to your audience's needs

Get more followers with a marketing boost: Tutorz enhances your content's reach with smart marketing, SEO, and direct emails to your students. You'll attract more students to your courses

Get more loyalty with your style, your brand: Personalize your course design to reflect your brand, making a student's learning experience a part of your unique digital footprint

Free! Try it out and start earning before your pay


Just $4 $1per student for each course purchase.


Unlimited Course Creation


No cap on students


No-code course builder and web pages

Create Your Site

Discover the avant-garde platform that revolutionizes online tutoring. Seamlessly create unlimited courses and receive personalized AI assistance for an unmatched learning experience.

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